Monday 4 November 2013

3 Secrets to Help You Be Happy Every Day

When was the last time you did something for yourself?

Here's the catch – I'm not talking about housework, errands or cleaning out your email inbox.

The irony is, when we pursue our best, most beautiful life, we often forget to take a few minutes to feed our mind, body and spirit. How we spend our days is ultimately how we will spend our lives, so why not take a few minutes out of your day to tune into what makes you happy?

Here are my favorite simple practices to treat myself every day:

Ok, take a deep breath. There's been a lot of buzz on meditation, but I've found the art of living in the moment is so simple. Try this delightful pick-me-up to release tension and revitalize your entire body. Here's how to do it: Sit comfortably on the floor or your bed, soften your joints and focus on your breathing for a few moments. Breathe deeply through your nose and feel your belly expand. Hold for a moment, then release slowly through the mouth until you feel your lower belly contract. Begin this exercise with 5-10 breaths at a time, keeping your spine lengthened and shoulders relaxed. And if the concept of meditation seems a bit too "new-agy" for you, think about it as a moment to take a break, breath and stabilize yourself.

I'm a firm believer that radiant skin starts with nutrition. This super-green blend is perfect for the health conscious woman who doesn't like to compromise on taste.

Green Mojito Blend 
This healthy juice crush fights dull and lackluster skin with a hit of high-energy greens. Green juices have an anti-inflammatory effect that can calm an upset stomach and boost immune function.

Calories: 166
Servings: 2

1 ½ cups coconut water
Handful of spinach
1/2 pineapple
1/2 green apple
1 cucumber
2 pitted dates
Small knob fresh ginger
Handful fresh mint leaves (20-25 leaves)
2-4 ice cubes

1. Pulse all ingredients to a blender until smooth and creamy.
2. Pour into a glass and garnish with sliced lime and mint. Enjoy.

This daily ritual is so good for the soul! Keep your calendar or planner separate - your journal is dedicated to your wildest dreams (and making them happen). I love to collect beautiful photographs and surround myself with inspiring words.

– Lorna Jane (Source).

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