Wednesday 21 August 2013

Get Your Body Ready For Spring!

Time passes so quickly sometimes that seasons often take us by surprise. Never is that more apparent than the arrival of spring and that first hint of warm weather that reminds us just how long it’s been since we’ve tried on those shorts we have stuffed in the bottom of the drawer. Warm weather also brings a renewed interest in those New Year’s resolutions we made so long ago and, perhaps, stopped working towards sometime during the dreary winter months. As a result, many people find they’re starting all over again, eager to get their bodies ready for spring. While you can’t make drastic changes in just a few weeks, it is possible to get back on the workout track and make some progress before you box up the sweaters and head outside. So here are some tips to get you ready for your best spring/summer yet! 

  1. Don’t diet. Yep, that’s what it says. Diets actually slow down your metabolism, which causes you to gain weight. When you lose weight by dieting alone, you also lose muscle mass. The loss of your muscle will slow down your metabolism. Instead, eat at least four to five small meals a day. This will help your body burn the fuel most efficiently. 
  2. Don’t drink your calories. Unless you are juicing your own fruits and vegetables, soft drinks and many juices have very little nutritional value. These extra calories are added to your day and the first ones you should drop. If you were to replace just one caloric drink a day with water, you can lose two pounds a month. 
  3. Change it up. Chances are you wouldn’t have even started reading this article if what you’re currently doing was working for you. You’ve hit a plateau from doing that same old routine over and over. It’s time to change it up! It is crucial to always confuse your muscles to ensure you get the most out of your workout. If muscle confusion confuses you, you might consider consulting a fitness expert, like the ones at Dolphins Health Precinct. 
  4. Incorporate high-intensity interval workouts. We all have busy schedules and group fitness workouts can be an effective way to tone and get into shape, choose RIPPLE EFFX programs two to three times a week. With R.E workouts, you get the most bang for your buck. You’ll get more out of your workout in 20 minutes of interval training than most people on the elliptical for an hour. 
  5. Pass on the salt. High-salt foods cause your body to retain water, which gives you a bloated belly. To get rid of excess salt and water weight, actually drink more water. Water helps flush the salt from your system. You can shed that bloat with this one tip. 
  6. Make a small change — and stick to it. Make one goal to yourself at a time. Maybe it’s removing soft drink from your lunch or moving for five minutes a day. Just make it attainable and commit to it. Once you master that first goal, you can add another to it, and so on 
  7. Be realistic. As much as we’d all love to drop 3 to 5 kilos in a week — especially as summer approaches — it’s not very doable without going to extreme measures. Instead, strive to lose 1 per cent of your body weight a week that’s a healthy goal. 
  8. Eat real food. Forget the packaged diet dinners and low-fat snacks. Fresh fruits and vegetables are higher in nutrients than processed meals — plus, they’re rich in fibre, which will keep you feeling fuller longer. Lean meats like chicken and fish are high in protein and will help you burn more fat while building muscle mass. And yes, you can put some steak on the BBQ — just eat it in moderation. The calorie count is higher in red meat, so opt for palm-sized portions instead of the four ounces you would eat of chicken or fish. 
  9. Don’t skip carbs. Just remember that not all carbohydrates are created equal: White bread, rice and sweets are nutritionally poor, but sweet potatoes, brown rice, oats and whole-grain bread are both delicious and healthy. 
  10. Join a gym. Train at a place with people who care and will support you. Dolphins Health Precinct has programs and variety for all ages and fitness levels. As always, be sure to exercise responsibly and consult with a fitness expert to ensure you use proper form. Summer and warmer weather will be here before you know it, so get started right away to show off your physical fitness and summer-ready body. Call Dolphins Health Precinct now.

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